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Rate your Apartment

516 Glenrock Ave

If you lived in this apartment, please fill out this rating sheet! Give a rating between 1 and 10 for each category (or leave it blank). If you have a specific reason for giving a rating, please write it in the text box below labeled "General Comments." Remember that you are required by law to tell the truth, so don't make things up.

Overall Apartment Rating
This is the overall rating of the building, taking everything in to consideration.
Rating of Noisiness
How peaceful is this building? Give a high rating for a nice, peaceful building and a low rating for a loud, noisy building.
Safety Rating
How safe is the building? Give a lower rating if things are easily stolen or if the security is somewhat lax.
Overall Manager Rating
Please give an rating to the manager and the staff of the building. This includes the manager and any live-in assistants or desk help they may have hired.
General Cleanliness
How nice and new is the apartment building and grounds?
SlumBrand New
Party Rating
How easy is it to throw a party in this building? If you invite people over, do the cops show up in an instant? If you feel like you don't have a strong opinion on this, feel free to abstain.
General Comments

Please write some comments below on the apartment. What stood out for you, or why you gave it the ratings you did.

UCLA email address:

Please provide your UCLA email address so we can verify that you are a student. This is for your protection, to make sure that the posts on this site are all quality. You don't have to worry because:

  • We do not spam your email box!
  • Your rating is still 100% anonymous!