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Apartment Profile

Building Image
415 Gayley Ave
Phone: 310-208-6735
Average User Ratings (4 Ratings)
Overall: 8.5Manager: 9.3
Noise: 9.0Grounds: 8.5
Safety: 8.8Parties: 8.7
Click Here to rate this building
Distance: 17 Minutes
Layouts: Studio, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom
Parking Available: Unknown


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Date Posted: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 report
Overall: 10Manager: 10
Noise: 10Grounds: 7
Safety: 10Parties: N/A

I loved the apartment building.

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 report
Overall: 6Manager: 9
Noise: 8Grounds: 9
Safety: 7Parties: 8

Actually live in 555 Kelton, managed by the same office. thewestwood4.com is the webpage. My unit was particularly small (2BR x 1.5 BA) because it was at the end and tapered in, very hot during the day and ineffective A/C. Bedrooms were tiny, so make sure you see the unit before you sign (we didn't since we were some sophomores moving into our first place, fail.) Parking is kinda bad since the garage is tight, although they didn't charge for it 2008-2009.

Date Posted: Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 report
Overall: 9Manager: 9
Noise: 9Grounds: 9
Safety: 9Parties: 9

(No comments were left for this rating)

Date Posted: Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 report
Overall: 9Manager: 9
Noise: 9Grounds: 9
Safety: 9Parties: 9

(No comments were left for this rating)